turkmenistan the → Результатов: 12

Turkmenistan, Apparently, Had an Election

Alternative Turkmenistan News (ATN) ran a secretive survey of voters ahead of the election. The interviewers asked a simple question — “Will you vote for Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov?” — to 216 people, mostly family and friends of the interviewers as “such campaigns are risky in Turkmenistan, and also because most citizens live in fear and never voice their opinions on any subject.”

2017-2-15 22:41

Новости от turkmenistan.ru: Издание The Banker признало банк «Сенагат» «Банком года Туркменистана»

Акционерный коммерческий банк «Сенагат» («Промышленность») удостоен звания «Банк года Туркменистана – 2016». Такое звание туркменскому кредитному учреждению было присвоено в рамках ежегодной церемонии вручения наград Bank of the Year Awards 2016, организованной в Лондоне одним из ведущих финансовых изданий The Banker, входящим в группу Financial Times.

2017-1-11 10:33

A session of the Council of Elders started its work in Asghabat, the capital of Turkmenistan

In Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan a session of the Council of Elders started its work. At the opening of the session the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov delivered a speech. In his speech the Head of Turkmen State presented a broad picture of the country’s achievements over 25 years of its independent development in political, social-economic, and humanitarian spheres, and [...]

2016-9-15 12:47