Public tensions heat up in Turkmenistan

Similar rallies were held in other regions of the country, such as the Sakar District of the Lebap province. There, women set up pickets outside the mayor's office against the price increase. The source could not confirm the total number of women who took part in the demonstration and its consequences. дальше »

2017-10-14 22:31

Turkmenistan limits foreign withdrawals to $100

Previously, the limit was $250 daily. Analysts in Ashgabat said that this measure responds to an acute shortage of dollars in Turkmenistan. A resident of Mary, currently in Moscow, confirmed that the new limit set by the Central Bank had come into effect. He added that the limit also applies to card operations. дальше »

2017-10-6 19:09

Turkmenistan, Apparently, Had an Election

Alternative Turkmenistan News (ATN) ran a secretive survey of voters ahead of the election. The interviewers asked a simple question — “Will you vote for Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov?” — to 216 people, mostly family and friends of the interviewers as “such campaigns are risky in Turkmenistan, and also because most citizens live in fear and never voice their opinions on any subject.” дальше »

2017-2-15 22:41

“Secret commission” bans exit abroad

Because of an illiterate border guard who took “depart” for “deport”, and his supervisor who presumed ballet dancing in an Arabic country meant debauchery and tried to prove it with a vague internet search, a young woman lost her employment opportunity and was banned from leaving her country. дальше »

2016-6-25 23:37